- Gurgilius, S.
S. Gurgilius (Gurgilus), (28. Sept.), ein Martyrer in Afrika. S. S. Martialis. (VII. 603.)
http://www.zeno.org/Heiligenlexikon-1858. 1858.
S. Gurgilius (Gurgilus), (28. Sept.), ein Martyrer in Afrika. S. S. Martialis. (VII. 603.)
http://www.zeno.org/Heiligenlexikon-1858. 1858.
Virgilius Maro Grammaticus — (Virgil the Grammarian) is one of the most enigmatic of all medieval writers, author of two pseudo grammatical texts known as the Epitomae and the Epistolae . It is unknown exactly when or where he was active: in the eleventh and twelfth… … Wikipedia