GERASIMUS — Patr. Constant. post Ioh. XII. rudis Graecae literaturae. Obiit A. C. 1322. Niceph. Gregoras, l. 8. Phranz. l. 9 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Gerasimus, S. (1) — 1S. Gerasimus, Erem. Abb. (5. al. 20. März). Vom Griech. γεράσμιος = Lat, Honoratus = geehrt etc. – Das Vaterland dieses heil. Mannes ist Lycien in Kleinasien. Er widmete sich dem Einsiedlerleben und hatte bereits große Fortschritte in der… … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Gerasimus, S. (3) — 3S. Gerasimus, (24. Juni), ein Bekenner, von welchem nur bekannt ist, daß er in St. Lorenzo, einem Städtchen des Bisthums Reggio (Rhegium), verehrt wird. (IV. 808.) … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Gerasimus of Jordan — Gerasimus of the Jordan (Abba Gerasimus, Holy Righteous Father Gerasimus of Jordan also spelled Gerasimos or Gerasim) a Christian saint, monk and abbot of the 5th century A.D. Born in the province of Lycia in Cappadocia, [ [http://www.christusrex … Wikipedia
Gerasimus (4) — 4Gerasimus, (2. Juni), ein Unbekannter. S. S. Erasmus1 am Schlusse … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Patriarch Gerasimus I of Alexandria — Gerasimus I served as Greek Patriarch of Alexandria between 1620 and 1636 … Wikipedia
Patriarch Gerasimus II of Alexandria — Gerasimus II served as Greek Patriarch of Alexandria between 1688 and 1710 … Wikipedia
Patriarch Gerasimus III of Alexandria — Gerasimus III served as Greek Patriarch of Alexandria between 1783 and 1788 … Wikipedia
Patriarch Gerasimus III of Constantinople — Gerasimus III was Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople from 1794 to 1797 … Wikipedia
Gerasimus of Kefalonia — Saint Gerasimos of Kefalonia (Greek: Άγιος Γερασιμός/ Gerasimos ) is the patron saint of the island of Kefalonia in Greece.Gerasimos (1506 1579) came from the aristocratic and wealthy Notaras family. He was ordained a Monk at Mount Athos, went to … Wikipedia